厳律シトー会那須の聖母修道院  那須トラピスト修道院
tel:0287-77-1024 3101 Toyohara Nasu-machi Tochigi, Japan

A Nasu Trappist Day

A Nasu Trappist Day

3:45 am … Rise

4:05 am … 
Vigils(Office of Readings), Silent Prayer, lectio divina (sacred reading)

Listening to God's Word is at the heart of the spirituality of Saint Benedict.
While awaiting the second coming of Christ, we keep vigil and pray.

6:30 am … 
Mass, Lauds(Morning Prayer), Breakfast(On Sundays, Lauds is at 6:15, followed by Mass and breakfast.)

The regular celebration of the Eucharistic Liturgy is the source and summit of the whole Christian life. The daily sharing in the saving mystery of the death and resurrection of Lord expresses our union with Christ, strengthens our unity with one another as sisters, and deepens our relationship with all the faithful. The rising sun is a symbol of the resurrected Christ. By praying Lauds we celebrate God's new creation, the resurrection, praising God’s mighty work.

8:30 am … 
Terce, Work (until 11:30)

At“ the third hour,” the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles at prayer. We pray Psalm 119, a song in praise of God's teaching, asking the Holy Spirit to work in us through the Word of God.

11:50 am … Sext, Dinner

At “the sixth hour” the Lord was lifted up on the cross. Uniting ourselves with those who suffer in their fight against evil, we continue our prayer through the psalms of Christ’s passion.

1:35 pm … 
None(at the place of work. On Sundays, in the chapel), Work (until 4:30)

At “the ninth” hour the Lord died. Christ ascended to the eternal Jerusalem; we pray the pilgrims’ psalms of going up to the capital city.

5:00 pm … 
Vespers(Evening Prayer), Silent prayer

At this latter part of the day the Lord chose to have his Last Supper. It is thought that Jesus, following Jewish tradition for the night of Passover, sang the Hallel (“Praise,” Psalms 113-118) before going to the Kidron Valley. Accordingly we pray the Hallel in commemoration of the establishment of the Eucharist.

5:45 pm … Supper

7:30 pm … 
Compline (Night Prayer), Salve Regina

The end of the day is a symbol of the end of a person’s lifetime. As the day draws to its close, we pilgrims in this world entrust ourselves to the Father, asking for the forgiveness of all sins. We ask the Virgin Mary, possessor of joy and hope, to intercede for us,

8:00 pm … Rest

厳律シトー会那須の聖母修道院  那須トラピスト修道院 栃木県那須郡那須町豊原乙3101 tel:2087-77-1024